Object type

Mahogany and brass sextant.


Achromatic prospect glass telescope


Achromatic prospect glass telescope


Pocket brass framed sextant


Split object-glass micrometer by Dollond


Solar microscope with screwbarrel


Double image wedge micrometer by Dollond


Selection of eyepieces and other accessories in fitted mahogany case for (Smyth) refracting telescope


Double-image object glass micrometer by Dollond, engraved Dollond, London with mahogany case.

Double-image object glass micrometer by Dollond


Brass quadrant of 18-inch radius on a tripod stand, with levelling screws and two telescopes.

Brass quadrant of 18-inch radius on a tripod stand


Ramsden's patent (No.1112, 1775, Dec.30) Astronomical Equatorial Instrument with glazed Sheraton case, c.1775. Refracting telescope, 2-1/4 inch aperture and 18-inch focal length (probably by Peter Dollond), on an adjustable equatorial mounting with tripod stand. The stand is equipped with 3 spirit levels, 3 levelling screws and 2 scales read by verniers. Accessories include 5 eyepieces, two diagonal mirrors, glass prism, two dark filter caps and a filar micrometer with reflector to illuminate the cross hairs.

Ramsden's patent (No.1112, 1775, Dec.30) Astronomical Equatorial Instrument, with equatorial mounting, accessories, tripod and case


Astronomical refractor with 3 3/5-inch (92mm) triplet objective of 45-inch focal length by Peter Dollond, without stand [RAS No.16]. Used by the Rev. Francis Wollaston (c.1770-1820) and presented to the Royal Astronomical Society in 1828 by William Hyde Wollaston. Later given to the British Astronomical Association in 1957.

Astronomical refractor with 3 3/5-inch (92mm) triplet objective of 45-inch focal length by Peter Dollond


Ellis type aquatic microscope, by Peter Dollond, London, England, c. 1765; in fishskin case with accessories: 3 objective lenses, 3 bone slides, 1 ivory container, 2 pieces of glass, 1 pair of tweezers, 1 adjustable probe, 1 spare crosspiece for mounting microscope. Compound and simple microscope attachments.

Ellis type aquatic microscope

Transit instrument of 3-inch aperture and focal length of 42 inches, with striding level by Dollond with wooden case. This Royal Society instrument was used by Captain Kater for his experiments on the pendulum at the principal stations of his trigonometrical survey.

Transit instrument of 3-inch aperture and focal length of 42 inches


Refracting telescope of 2 inch aperture and 30 inch focal length, engraved, 'Ramsden London' on an equatorial stand by John Miller, Edinburgh with wooden case. A label in the transit box states that the telescope was made by Peter Dollond for Jesse Ramsden. The telescope may have been used by Dr Lind F.R.S. to observe the 1769 Transit of Venus.

Refracting telescope on stand by Ramsden, Dollond and Miller, 1769


Pocket brass framed sextant, with mahogany keystone box, made by Jesse Ramsden, Piccadilly, London, England, 1785-1795. Polished brass frame and limb, no handle. Signed on the crossbar: ‘Ramsden London’. Brass scale from -2° to 145° every 30', measuring to 125° (digits read from the pivot). Brass vernier to 1', zero at the left. The tangent screw is on the front of the index arm; the clamping screw is on the back. Two shades (both red); no horizon shades. Index-glass adjustment by screw; adjustment of the horizon glass by fixed milled screw and by Dollond's extended lever and clamp, operated from beneath the telescope bracket. Detached telescope bracket, to be fit to the frame by a dovetail mount; perpendicular adjustment by rising-piece and a milled screw. Detached magnifier on a 35-mm swivelling arm. Telescope (62 mm) erect image. Shaded eyepiece (red).

Pocket brass framed sextant


Dip circle, 11 inch needle, by Dollond, c.1820

Dip circle with 11 inch needle, c 1820.